AMWA Pacific Southwest

Welcome to the Pacific Southwest (PacSW) Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA)

AMWA-PacSW serves members who live or work in Arizona, Southern California, and Southern Nevada

Where We Serve

The PacSW chapter serves AMWA members who live or work in Arizona, Southern California, and Southern Nevada.

Image modified from USGS, General Reference Printable Map. Available at:


The purpose of the Pacific Southwest Chapter is to bring together American Medical Writers Association members and others who are engaged or interested in medical communication, promote standards of excellence in medical communication, and provide educational programs and meetings within the chapter territory that lead to, support, and enhance medical communication.


To be an official member of the AMWA-PacSW community you must become a member of AMWA and select Pacific Southwest as your Chapter. AMWA-PacSW chapter events are open to non-members.

Friends of AMWA-PacSW

If you are not a member of our chapter, but would like to receive communication about our events, join our Friends of PacSW email list.